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Honda Civic Cabin Air Filter Installation And Review Videos


PTC Custom Fit Cabin Air Filter Installation - 2019 Honda Civic- Video

PTC Custom Fit Cabin Air Filter Installation - 2019 Honda Civic

Rob: Hey everybody, Rob here at and today we're going to be taking a look at the PTC Custom Fit Cabin Air Filter on our 2019 Honda Civic. Now, a cabin filter is going to do for your car what a furnace filter does for your house, it's going to take all the air outside and filter it, cleaning all the air before it comes through our vents. Now, it's going to be really important, especially if you have allergies or any other kind of breathing issues, that you maintain your cabin filter because once it does start collecting all that dirt and debris, it may become clogged, which causes a lot of back pressure in your HVAC system, not to mention it's not going to filter all of the particles out, so we will get a lot of that pollution coming back into our car.And what a lot of people don't think about is is the air inside your car is actually up to six times more polluted than the air outside because when we're driving down the road, there's a lot of emissions and a lot of pollution in the air, not to mention all the road debris that's flying around. Well, once that air comes inside of our car, it's kind of trapped, it doesn't have anywhere to vent out, so that's where our cabin filter's going to trap all those particles and debris so, again, we're not breathing it in, but at the same time, it's going to trap the larger particles like leaves or anything like that, which if it we're to get past the filter and get at least to the fan, I can tell you from personal experience, it's really annoying hearing that fan spinning around and it's catching a leaf, you just hear a constant ticking sound.Now, I know a lot of you may have been offered to have your cabin filter either changed or checked when you went to the service center, and to be really honest, there's no need to pay anybody to do it, especially on our civic. We can actually check or change our filter in a matter of minutes, in fact, let's go on and do that together now. So you're going to make sure you have your new filter handy, we can set it aside for right now. more

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10/30/2019 11:47:27 AM

PTC Custom Fit Cabin Air Filter Installation - 2016 Honda Civic- Video

PTC Custom Fit Cabin Air Filter Installation - 2016 Honda Civic

Shane: Hi, I'm Shane with Today we're going to be taking a look at, I'm going to show you how to install, the PTC Cabin Air Filter in our 2016 Honda Civic. It's going to be designed to keep your cabin air clean when you're traveling, or driving down the road. What happens when it's not clean is, you get a dusty smell or something like that inside the car, you know this needs to be changed. It's a good idea to change this once a year. Check it and make sure it's clean. more

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5/6/2019 11:32:26 AM
